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Author Guidelines

Plumula : Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi be written in Indonesian based on standard academic writing. Plumula : Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi published twice per year (January and July) covering many related subject such as such integrated farming, soil science, agronomy, plant cultivation, agrotechnology, plant protection, and others. The article also can be short communication, review and original new concept on those related topics. Article written on format A4 paper size, Arial 11 pt, 1.5 space with custom margin (3 cm from top, bottom, left, and right), and maximum 14 pages. Manuscript written under following guideline:

Title in Bahasa, using bold and capital for each word (except conjuction), fonts Arial 12 pt, align center and single space

Title in English, regular font style and capital for each word (except conjuction), fonts Arial 11 pt, align center and single space

Author, only original name without academic degree, font Arial 11 pt, single space and corresponding author name written with asterisk mark(*) before the name. Affiliation and corresponding email address written after author name using Arial 10 pt.

 Abstract, written both in English and Indonesia, font Arial 10 pt with single space and maximum 150 characters.

Keywords, maximum 10 words, Arial 10 pt with left align.

Manuscript body written with format justify, Arial 11 pt and 1.5 space with following:

1.     Introduction, consisting background, hypothesis, objective and benefits of the research/experiment including references study

2.     Material and method, consisting description of methodology including tool and material that has been used, also location dan experimental design.

3.     Result and discussion, description could be short and to the point including with argumentative discussion of result. Table and image in format JPEG or TIFF.

4.     Conclusion, conclusion from whole argumentative research and can be inductive from result and discussion.

5.     Reference, citation and arrangement of references are alphabetical following APA 7th system

Journal article :

Collier-Meek, M. A., Johnson, A. H., Sanetti, L. H., Minami, T., & Eckert, T. (2019). Identifying critical
components of classroom management implementation. School Psychology Review, 48(4), 348-361.

Journal article without DOI :

Sorakin Balli, Y., Basari, S., & Guldal Kan, S. (2020). The relation between classroom management skills and
empathic tendencies of high school teachers' classroom management skills and empathic tendencies.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 15(1), 144-152.


Cayoun, B., Francis, S. E., & Shires, A.G. (2019). The clinical handbook of mindfulness-integrated
cognitive behavior therapy: A step-by-step guide for therapists. Wiley-Blackwell.

Book with an Edition Number

Birnie, B. F. (2017). A teacher’s guide to successful classroom management and differentiated instruction
(2nd ed.). Rowman and Littlefield.

​Chapter in an Edited Book

One Editor
Lamotte, J., & Smith, K. (2019). Play therapy. In V. Carrion (Ed.), Assessing and treating youth exposed to traumatic stress (pp. 129-140). American Psychiatric Association.

Multiple Editors

Ngnoumen, C.T., & Langer, E.J. (2016). Mindfulness: The essence of well-being and happiness. In I. Ivtzan &
T. Lomas (Eds.), Mindfulness in positive psychology: The science of mediation and wellbeing (pp. 97
-107). Routledge.

Webpage with Author
Williams, V. (2018, August 27). Mayo Clinic minute: How much screen time is too much for kids? Mayo Clinic.

Webpage with Group Author
World Health Organization. (2019, April 24). To grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more.

Webpage on a News Website
LaMotte, S. (2020, January 30). Teachers who praise see a 30% increase in good behavior from students.

Webpage with a Retrieval Date

Merriam-Webster (2020). Mindfulness. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from

Note: Most websites do not need to include a retrieval date unless the information may change like a dictionary definition.

Conference Session

Lippold, S., Rach, J. & Fritsch, A. (2020 February 13-14). Study program development: Building a bridge
between tradition and innovation - An unusual approach [Workshop session]. 2020 European Learning
& Teaching Forum, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Poster Presentation

Ofori, E. & Wu, D. (2018 February 14-16). Video-based learning: Understanding usability, benefits, and
perception of using online educational videos [Poster session]. 2018 Conference on Higher Education
Pedagogy, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Paper Published in Conference Proceedings

Both, L.E. (2019) Why are some people optimistic while others are not? In C. Pracana & M.
Wang (Eds.), Psychological Applications and Trends 2019 (pp. 33-37). InScience Press.

Published Thesis - Available online

Hunsaker, C. (2020). Beyond theory: Simulation and role-play in interpreter education [Master's thesis,
Western Oregon University]. Western Oregon University Digital Commons. https://digitalcommons

​Unpublished Thesis - Available in print form at a college or university

Carlin, A. (2017). Effective pairing methods for students in a second grade dual language
classroom. [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Western Oregon University.

6.     Acknowledgement (if there any), written following regular standard to research sponsor either personal or institution.

7.     Author Fee (No Page Charge), Plumula : Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi is an open access journal. Authors should not pay some processing and submission fees for article processing (free of charge). Readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge. Authors may also pay some fees for the Ordered Original Reprint Articles.

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